Saturday, May 30, 2015


Well...i'm back...again...consistency with blog posts is obviously not my thing...but i had this crazy idea to learn some new things and i thought i could share them with you too!!

So, to begin with - Ogham. 

I have been interested in Ogham for a while now, and even more so since our trip to Ireland late last year.

Example of an Ogham stone from the Irish National Heritage Centre

For those who don't know, Ogham is an ancient celtic alphabet that was used in Ireland and Britain. Many of it's symbols also correspond to different trees. I won't go into a full description (as i'm still learning about it myself) but there is plenty of information on the web about Ogham and it's origins.

So, why am i blogging about Ogham if there is already so much info out there?? That's just how my brain works....if i write about it, it sticks in my we all get to learn together!!

Here is what the Ogham alphabet looks like:

My next posts will start looking at the letters one by one, their meanings and the trees associated with them.

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